Bioinformatics & Biomarkers


GILBERT Nicolas[][]
Institute for Regenerative medicine & Biotherapy (IRMB), Inserm UMR 1183, Université de Montpellier

Hôpital Saint-Eloi

80 rue Augustin Fliche

34295 Montpellier, France

Scientific Interest
The bioinformatic group involves specialists in text algorithm focusing on the design of new tools and structures for RNA-Seq analysis. We developed software and data structure for the analysis of RNA-Seq data (such as Gk-Arrays, CRAC, CracTools, ChimCT).  Recently, we have created new strategies based on kmers capable of organizing reads for rapid response to specific queries. Generally silent, retrotransposons are deregulated in cancer. We are interested in developing approaches to decipher the role of epigenetic deregulation and retrotransposon expression in various Acute Myeloid Leukemia.



Name Link
Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen

Bioinfo Tools



Name Link
Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen