Environmental Microbiology


Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour les Matériaux et l’Environnement (LCPME), CNRS UMR 7564, Université de Lorraine

Campus Brabois Santé

Bâtiment AB – 3ème étage

9 avenue de la Forêt de Haye – BP 20199

54505 VANDOEUVRE les NANCY Cedex


Scientific Interest
Mobile genetic elements are widely involved in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes where they contribute to the overall bacterial adaptation to antimicrobials. The selection exerted by antibiotics on resistant bacteria partly explain the ecological success of mobile genetic elements and their associate resistance genes but their behavior in complex natural environments remain to be fully elucidate. For part, our team is studying the fate of mobile genetic elements in the environment and aims at (i) determining their dissemination pathways in environmental microbial communities, (ii) identifying how they pass mankind processes such as waste water treatment plants, (iii) pinpointing their intermediate hosts, and (iv) characterizing natural parameters favoring their dissemination. The later implies understanding their regulation and the way some pollutants, including antibiotics themselves, interfere with the expression of their mobility functions.



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