Epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin architecture (MEAC)


MOISSARD Guillaume
Laboratoire génome et développement des plantes (LGDP), CNRS UMR 5096, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD)

Université de Perpignan Bât T

58 Avenue Paul Alduy

66860 PERPIGNAN Cédex France

Scientific Interest
Our team studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the regulation of gene expression and repressing DNA repeats such as transposable elements (TEs) in plants. TEs play a central role in our research. On one hand, we study epigenetic pathways involved in TE silencing. On the other hand, we are interested in the phenomenon of TE gene domestication by the plant, a process also known as exaptation -or cooption- of TE genes (ETEs). Furthermore, we study the impact of TEs on genomic structural variations and diversity of gene isoforms. Finally, our research is set out in the context of plant adaptation to environmental stresses, such as heat, to better understand the epigenetic and TE-related processes involved in this phenomenon. To decipher these complex molecular processes, we develop direct and reverse genetic approaches, combined to epigenetic, proteomic, biochemical and microscopic studies. Besides, we are developing integrated NGS approaches using Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), including Direct RNA Sequencing (ONT-DRS) to altogether answer genomic and transcriptomic problematics based on SNP calling, bisulfite DNA sequencing, ChIP-seq, structural variants and RNA-seq.



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