Genetics and evolution of interactions


Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (LBBE), CNRS UMR 5558, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, VetAgroSup

43 bd du 11 novembre 1918

69622 Villeurbanne cedex

Scientific Interest
Our main focus is the dynamics of transposable elements and their evolution within genomes, in particular within insect natural populations. We are interested in the natural variability of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, notably through small interfering RNA pathways, and we study its impacts in physiological processes such as aging or response to infections, as well as in response to environment changes. In addition, we use invasive species (Drosophila suzukii, Aedes albopictus) to study transposable elements within genomes both as markers of genetic differentiation and as potential sources of adaptive mutations.


[{"name":"TEtools: a dedicated method to the analysis of TE expression reveals a negative link between TEs and piRNA genes activities.","url":""},{"name":"Goubert et al (2015) De novo  assembly and annotation of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) repeatome with dnaPipeTE from raw genomic reads and comparative analysis with the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti)","url":""}]

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