Genome analysis


Unité de Recherches en Génomique-Info, INRAE UR 1164

INRAE, Centre de recherche de Versailles, bat.18
RD10, Route de Saint Cyr
78026 Versailles Cedex, FRANCE

Scientific Interest
Transposable elements (TEs) are intragenomic mobile, repetitive DNA sequences that constitute a structurally dynamic component of genomes. They have been found to be the primary contributors to genome mutations and a quantitatively major components of their sequences (e.g. 90% of the wheat genome). There is no doubt that modern genomic DNA has evolved in close association with TEs, but their long-term evolution and their systemic effects on the host are still poorly understood. To address these questions, we both develop bioinformatic tools and conduct genome analyses to explore DNA sequences at different time scales from pan-genomic to paleogenomic studies.



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Bioinfo Tools

[{"name":"Le package REPET : annotation des répétitions dans les génomes eucaryotes","url":""},{"name":"RepetDB : Une base de données d’éléments transposables eucaryotes","url":""}]


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Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen