Insect Plant Microorganisms Interactions


DREZEN Jean-Michel[][]
Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte (IRBI), CNRS UMR 7261, Université de Tours

IRBI – Faculté des Sciences

Parc de Grandmont

37200 Tours


Scientific Interest
The studied topics aim at understanding the mechanisms and evolution of multi-trophic interactions between insects and plants or other insects and the role played by microorganisms in these interactions. These studies are performed at the level of molecular mediators as well as genomes, populations and species. To meet this general objective, our research involves three main themes: molecular physiology of the manipulation of hosts by parasitic insects, evolution of viruses and Hymenoptera genomes, biodiversity and evolutionary ecology of insects and associated microorganisms. Genomes studies includes the characterization of transposable elements and horizontal transfers of genes and transposons between Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera mediated by bracoviruses.


[{"name":"BioInformatics Platform for Agroecosystems Arthropods","url":""}]

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