Laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae


CARRIER Grégory[][]
IFREMER – Centre Atlantique - Unité Biologie des Ressources Marines

IFREMER-Centre de Nantes

rue de l’Ile d’Yeu
44311 NANTES


Scientific Interest
For seven years, the laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae (IFREMER) has been developing several research projects in the field of microalgae selection. In a previous selection program, our laboratory implemented one of the first varietal selection strategy. The development of new selection programs requires a better understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in the dynamics of genome. We focus on mobile elements in response to several controlled physiological conditions. Mobile elements are genetic element that can “jump” to different locations of genome in all eukaryote organisms. They play a major role in genomic plasticity particularly in response to a stress and they are involved in diversity and species adaptation phenomena. Defects in control mechanism of mobile element activities resulting from mutation or stress conditions can generate large modification in genome and hence phenotype. The objectives of our laboratory is to identify and characterize mobile elements in algae and compare mobile element activities between several genotypes and stress conditions available.



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Bioinfo Tools

[{"name":"Pirate a Pipeline to Retrieve and Annotate Transposable Elements","url":""}]


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Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen