Plant biodiversity and Adaptation


SABOT François[][]
Institut de la Recherche pour le Développement (IRD 232), Université de Montpellier


911 Avenue Agropolis BP 64501

34394 Montpellier Cedex 5


Scientific Interest
Our team is studying the effect of anthropization on plants of agronomic and interest as well as wild ones, in particular in southern countries. More specifically, we are studying the impact of this effect on the structure of genomes and on transposable elements through a pangenomics approach. This approach makes it possible to understand variations at the scale of populations, but involves advanced computer methodologies: assembly of genomes, short reads / long reads mapping, structural variant detection, annotation of genomes, creation of pangenomes and of pangenome graphs, linearization and visualization of pangenomes, big data management, etc. Our models are mainly Asian and African rices, but we also work in collaboration on Drosophila, mosquitoes, millet, algae …



Name Link
Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen

Bioinfo Tools

[{"name":"TrEMOLO Transposable Elements MOvement detection using LOng reads","url":""},{"name":"BioGraph, Julia package for handle genome graph in the GFA format. It reads information from GFA input, extract simple bidirected graphs and find the longest linear path in those graphs","url":""},{"name": "CulebrONT, an open-source, scalable, modulable and traceable snakemake pipeline, able to launch multiple assembly tools in parallel and providing help for choosing the best possible assembly between all possibilities","url":""},{"name":"LTRclassifier, an online tool to assign plant LTR retrotransposons to their Superfamily","url":""}]


Name Link
Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen