Antimicrobials molecular determinants of resistances and therapeutic innovations (RESINFIT)


JOVE Thomas[][]
Centre de Biologie et Recherche en Santé (CBRS), Inserm UMR1092, Université de Limoges

Faculté de médecine de Limoges

2 rue du Dr Marcland
87 025 Limoges Cedex

Scientific Interest
The UMR1092 RESINFIT research unit studies how mobile genetic elements are involved in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial communities. It particularly focuses on two genetic models that are integrons and ISCR insertion sequences. Integrons are natural genetic devices able to integrate antibiotic resistance as gene cassettes and to promote expression of their genes. Despite usually being associated to antibiotic resistance genes, ISCR are poorly characterized insertion sequences related to IS91 family of IS (and to eukaryotic helitrons elements). We address the epidemiology, the diversity, the mobility, the regulation and the evolution of these genetic systems in several bacterial organisms as well as in the environment. We aim to better understand the emergence of multiresistant bacteria to find a way to tackle it.



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Bioinfo Tools

[{"name":"INTEGRALL: a freely available tool developed in order to provide an easy access to integron’s DNA sequences and genetic arrangements.","url":""}]


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Material Design Color Palette GitHub
Material Design Iconic Font Codepen