Functional impacts, Genome evolution and adaptation, Mecanisims and epigenetics

Meiosis and recombination


Meiosis and recombination
Meiosis, PRDM9, Recombination cs_database cs_tools CLEMENT Julie [] Meiosis and recombination In sexually reproducing species, meiosis allows the formation of haploid gametes from diploid cells. The halving of the DNA content results from a specialized cell cycle, where a single phase of DNA replication is followed by two divisions. The reductional segregation of homologous chromosomes (homologues) at the first meiotic division requires the establishment of connections between homologues. In most species, these connections are established during a long and specialized prophase by reciprocal exchanges between homologues. These exchanges, also called crossing over, result from a highly regulated homologous recombination pathway that drives the recognition and interaction between homologues and the formation of at least one crossing over per homologue pair. Crossovers also generate new allele combinations and thus increase genetic diversity and contribute to genome evolution. The absence of crossover leads to chromosome segregation defects and sterility, and alteration of the meiotic recombination pathway can lead to genome rearrangements and aneuploidy. Our team is investigating several aspects of the mechanism and regulation of meiotic recombination and its evolutionary implication using the mouse as a model system. Meiotic recombination events are initiated by the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs, several hundred per nucleus in mice), the repair of which leads to both crossovers and non-crossovers (gene conversion without crossover). The main steps and factors involved in this pathway are evolutionary conserved. A thematic newly developed in our team is the regulation of DSB formation and repair within transposable elements (TEs). These homologous sequences scattered within the genome represent an additional challenge for the maintenance of genome integrity during homologous recombination. Indeed, any DSB occurring within a TE renders the choice of the repair template critical, because of its chance to be repaired by non-allelic homologous recombination. We thus try to understand how meiotic recombination copes with TEs. Institute of Human Genetics (IGH) UMR 9002, Université de Montpellier

141 rue de la Cardonille

Montpellier – France

Meiosis and recombinationcs_databasecs_tools

Fish evolutionary genomics


Volff Jean-Nicolas
Fish evolutionary genomics
Chromatin, Comparative genomics, Development, Domestication, Evolution, Fish, Novel genes, Regulatory networks, Sex, Vertebrates cs_database cs_tools Volff Jean-Nicolas [] Fish evolutionary genomics Our team aims to understand the effects of transposable elements on the structure and evolution of the genomes of fish and other vertebrates. We analyze the impact of transposable elements on the rewiring of fast-evolving gene regulatory networks, using as an example gonadal sex-biased genes in fish. We also study novel genes derived from transposable elements that have contributed to the emergence and diversification of the vertebrate lineage and characterize a family of genes derived from DNA transposons that are involved in the embryonic development of the nervous system. Finally, in the frame of an interdisciplinary project at the interface between biology of physics, we investigate the interactions between transposable elements and chromatin structure in a comparative genomics perspective. Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL)

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

CNRS UMR 5242, Université de Lyon I

46, allée d’Italie

69364 Lyon cedex 07


Fish evolutionary genomicscs_databasecs_tools

Nuclear dynamics and repetitive DNA in tissue homeostasis


Nuclear dynamics and repetitive DNA in tissue homeostasis
Adult stem cells, Aging, DNA damage, Drosophila, Intestine, Regeneration, Retrotransposons, Somatic mutations cs_database cs_tools SIUDEJA Kasia [] Nuclear dynamics and repetitive DNA in tissue homeostasis Life-long tissue homeostasis requires maintained function of differentiated cell types as well as progenitor cells, which ensure tissue self-renewal. We are interested in uncovering the roles that repetitive DNA sequences, including transposable elements (TEs), play in somatic tissues and their different cell-types. The impact of TEs on the soma is an active area of research. Although most TE sequences remain silenced in somatic cells, some are actively transcribed and a fraction may retain their ability to mobilize through copy-and-paste mechanisms. Our projects aim to better understand: 1- How are TEs, or other repetitive DNA sequences, controlled in somatic cell types? 2- What is the impact of repetitive DNA on cell function in vivo? 3- What are the long-term consequences of DNA repeat activity at a tissue and organism level? To answer these questions, we are combining developmental and cell biology approaches, with genomics. We use the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model system. Our primary focus is on the fly intestinal tissue, a self-renewing epithelium, maintained by a population of multipotent stem cells. Apart from its digestive functions, the tissue is critical for immune and stress responses, and for the organism longevity. Our projects combine various experimental methods, such as: genetics, genomics (next generation short- and long-read sequencing), computational biology, imaging, lineage tracing in vivo or longevity studies. Institut for Integrative Biology opf the Cell (I2BC), CNRS UMR 9198, Inserm U1280, CEA ,Université Paris-Saclay

Avenue de la Terrasse, Bat. 21

91198 Gif-sur-Yvette


Nuclear dynamics and repetitive DNA in tissue homeostasiscs_databasecs_tools

Pathophysiology of transposable elements in the brain


Pathophysiology of transposable elements in the brain
Alzheimer’s disease, Epigenetics, Genomic plasticity, HERV, LINE-1, Neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s disease, Retrotransposons cs_database cs_tools FUCHS Julia [] Pathophysiology of transposable elements in the brain We investigate the signature, regulation, physiological role and pathophysiological consequences of transposable element activation in the adult brain. About half of the human genome is composed of sequences derived of TEs. These mobile elements have self-amplified and shaped the human genome during evolution and contribute to gene regulatory networks. Although most of these sequences are now fossilized and immobile, certain retrotransposons (i.e. long interspersed nuclear elements; LINE-1) have retained the potential for mobility in the human genome and others (i.e. human endogenous retroviruses; HERVs) have retained at least partial coding potential. Recent evidence, including from our group, suggests that an uncontrolled activation of LINE-1 retrotransposons, normally repressed by various cellular levels of control, is at the origin of genomic instability and inflammation. We have recently shown that LINE-1 activation causes neurodegeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the mouse ventral midbrain, a neuronal population vulnerable in Parkinson’s disease. In addition, artificial induction of epigenetic alterations in these neurons leads to early activation of LINE-1 and late neurodegeneration. The activation or “de-repression” of LINE-1, for example during aging, could therefore be a central actor in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease and potentially other neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, we are studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms that link these transposable elements to neurodegenerative diseases. This will also contribute to our understanding of how we might intervene in this process. We find that the LINE-1 encoded protein ORF1p is readily expressed throughout the brain at steady-state. Yet not much is known about the regulation and expression patterns of LINE-1 elements, their RNA or encoded proteins in the brain nor with which proteins the LINE-1 encoded proteins ORF1p and ORF2p interact and how this affects brain physiology and pathophysiology. Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB), Collège de France, CNRS UMR 7241, Inserm U1050, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL)

11, place Marcelin Berthelot

75005 Paris

Pathophysiology of transposable elements in the braincs_databasecs_tools

Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in Arabidopsis


DELERIS Angélique
Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Plant, Polycomb cs_database cs_tools DELERIS Angélique [] Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in Arabidopsis Transposable Elements (TE) are repeated sequences that can potentially move and multiply in the genome. They often have been found to be activated in response to stress such as that induced by microbial infection. Transposition can be deleterious and is repressed via several layers of regulation; on the other hand, TE mobilization has been recognized as a driving force of evolution and adaptation in various organisms, in particular by providing nearby genes with genetic or epigenetic regulatory modules that can impact transcriptional programs. Therefore, the study of TE regulation is essential to understand both the conditions for their transposition and their influence on nearby genes, thus their potential for conferring adaptation. My team studies, in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the molecular determinants TE activation -in particular during biotic stress- as well as the epigenetic mechanisms (RNAi, DNA methylation, Polycomb-mediated Histone 3 Lysine 27 trimethylation) that negatively control TE transcription; we also want to understand the crosstalk between these activating and silencing pathways and its output as for TE transcription and transposition during plant-pathogen interactions. We are tackling a number of fundamental issues: 1) What are the transcription factors that associate with a given TE and their interactions with epigenetic marks, in particular during stress response? 2) What is the biological role of Polycomb at TEs and its repression potential compared to DNA methylation?  What determines Polycomb complexes recruitment at TEs and what could favour it, sometimes, over DNA methylation? 3) What is the balance between TE activation and silencing during various biotic stresses? How is transposition regulated in this context? What is the impact on plant-pathogen interactions? For this purpose, we implement genetic and molecular biology approaches associated with emerging epigenomic as well as DNA/ RNA centered methodologies to analyze chromatin and transposition. Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC), CNRS UMR 9198, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay

1, avenue de la terrasse

91198 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex


Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in Arabidopsiscs_databasecs_tools

Pathogenesis of ruminant mycoplasmoses


CITTI Christine
Pathogenesis of ruminant mycoplasmoses
Evolution, Horizontal transfer, Mycoplasmas, Pathogenicity cs_database cs_tools CITTI Christine [] Pathogenesis of ruminant mycoplasmoses Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a driving force of bacterial evolution and was long thought to be marginal in mycoplasmas, whose evolution was long thought to be only driven gene losses. Ten years ago, this dogma was challenged by our group and data collected since then indicate that mycoplasma genomes are indeed highly mobile. Our objective is to further decipher mechanisms evolved by these minimal bacteria to access a considerable reservoir of genetic resources distributed among a vast number of species. By combining classical mating experiments to comparative and functional genomics, integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) have been identified as pivotal in horizontal gene flows within and among mycoplasma species. Indeed, mycoplasma conjugation is not restricted to ICE transmission, but also involves the transfer of chromosomal fragments, ranging from one SNP up to hundred kbs. From two parental cells, this phenomenon is capable of generating a multitude of offspring with mosaic genomes, each being unique. In addition to providing a new framework for understanding the acquisition and dissemination of new phenotypic traits in mycoplasmas, our studies extend the concept of the minimal cell to the broader context of the “open source” genome. Interactions Hôtes-Agents Pathogènes, UMR, INRA, ENVT

23 chemin des Capelles

BP 87614 – 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3


Pathogenesis of ruminant mycoplasmosescs_databasecs_tools

Genomics, Evolution and Adaptation of Domesticated plants


VITTE Clémentine
Genomics, Evolution and Adaptation of Domesticated plants
Adaptation, Bioinformatics, DNA methylation, Environmental response, Epigenomics, Horizontal transfer, MITEs, Polyploidy, Retrotransposons, Structural variation cs_database cs_tools VITTE Clémentine [] Genomics, Evolution and Adaptation of Domesticated plants Transposable elements are major components of plant genomes and their insertions are highly polymorphic within a species. Transposable element insertions can modify the expression of neighboring genes by breaking existing cis-regulatory sequences, providing new ones, or modifying gene transcript splicing or stability. Due to their ability to insert the same sequence at many positions in the genome, transposable elements are good candidates to modulate gene regulatory networks and thus contribute to the molecular regulation underpinning phenotypic variation of polygenic traits, and local adaptation. Our team investigates the dynamics of transposable elements with respect to plant genome evolution and adaptation, as well as the impact of transposable element insertions on gene expression variation between individuals and in response to environment. We work in the context of plant domestication and use maize, brassica and apple as models to compare species within a genus or individuals within a species, collected from distinct geographical areas or grown in contrasted environments. We also pay specific attention to the impact of transposable element activity (past or present) on genome shaping and genome expression in the context of polyploidy or interspecific hybridization. To tackle these questions, we integrate genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic data using bioinformatics, and combine them with population genomics and systems biology approaches. Understanding the extent to which transposable elements contribute to genome modeling and gene expression regulation will improve our knowledge on the molecular bases of plant adaptation and evolution. UMR Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon (GQE - Le Moulon), CNRS UMR 8120, INRAE 0320, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay

Chemin de Moulon

91190 Gif-sur-Yvette


Genomics, Evolution and Adaptation of Domesticated plantscs_databasecs_tools

Transgenerational Epigenetics and small RNA biology (TErBio)

["TEYSSET Laure","CARRE Clément"]

Transgenerational Epigenetics and small RNA biology (TErBio)
Drosophila, Epigenetics, Genomic plasticity, piRNA, RNA modification, small RNA, tRNA cs_database cs_tools TEYSSET Laure ["TEYSSET Laure","CARRE Clément"] Transgenerational Epigenetics and small RNA biology (TErBio) Our team studies the Biology of RNAs, in particular the small RNAs involved in the regulation of gene expression and Transposable Elements (TE). We are also interested in RNAs post-transcriptional modifications that play a fundamental role in RNA biogenesis and fate. In metazoans, three types of small RNAs have been described, whose specificity differs according to the Argonaute protein with which they interact: microRNA (miRNA), small interfering RNA (siRNA) and PIWI interacting RNAs (piRNA). TEs that are present in all genomes, have the ability to transpose thus causing possibly deleterious mutations. In Drosophila, their expression are controlled by piRNAs in the gonads and by siRNAs in somatic tissues. Our team’s projects aim to better understand the dynamics (activation and evolution) of piRNA clusters in heterochromatic locus from which piRNAs are maturated and, using functional screens, to characterize genes involved in siRNA- and piRNA-dependent repression. Some of those genes have human orthologue with potential therapeutic targets that will help to better understand pathologies related to the invalidation of those pathways. Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement, Institut de Biologie Paris Seine (IBPS), CNRS UMR 7622, Sorbonne Université

Building C, Case 24, 5ème étage

9 quai Saint-Bernard

75252 PARIS Cedex 05 FRANCE

Transgenerational Epigenetics and small RNA biology (TErBio)cs_databasecs_tools

Plant biodiversity and Adaptation


SABOT François
Plant biodiversity and Adaptation
Assembly, Bioinformatics, Evolution, NGS, Pangenomics, Structural variation cs_database [{"name":"TrEMOLO Transposable Elements MOvement detection using LOng reads","url":""},{"name":"BioGraph, Julia package for handle genome graph in the GFA format. It reads information from GFA input, extract simple bidirected graphs and find the longest linear path in those graphs","url":""},{"name": "CulebrONT, an open-source, scalable, modulable and traceable snakemake pipeline, able to launch multiple assembly tools in parallel and providing help for choosing the best possible assembly between all possibilities","url":""},{"name":"LTRclassifier, an online tool to assign plant LTR retrotransposons to their Superfamily","url":""}] SABOT François [] Plant biodiversity and Adaptation Our team is studying the effect of anthropization on plants of agronomic and interest as well as wild ones, in particular in southern countries. More specifically, we are studying the impact of this effect on the structure of genomes and on transposable elements through a pangenomics approach. This approach makes it possible to understand variations at the scale of populations, but involves advanced computer methodologies: assembly of genomes, short reads / long reads mapping, structural variant detection, annotation of genomes, creation of pangenomes and of pangenome graphs, linearization and visualization of pangenomes, big data management, etc. Our models are mainly Asian and African rices, but we also work in collaboration on Drosophila, mosquitoes, millet, algae … Institut de la Recherche pour le Développement (IRD 232), Université de Montpellier


911 Avenue Agropolis BP 64501

34394 Montpellier Cedex 5


Plant biodiversity and Adaptationcs_database[{"name":"TrEMOLO Transposable Elements MOvement detection using LOng reads","url":""},{"name":"BioGraph, Julia package for handle genome graph in the GFA format. It reads information from GFA input, extract simple bidirected graphs and find the longest linear path in those graphs","url":""},{"name": "CulebrONT, an open-source, scalable, modulable and traceable snakemake pipeline, able to launch multiple assembly tools in parallel and providing help for choosing the best possible assembly between all possibilities","url":""},{"name":"LTRclassifier, an online tool to assign plant LTR retrotransposons to their Superfamily","url":""}]

Genome analysis


Genome analysis
Annotation, Bioinformatics, Evolution cs_database [{"name":"Le package REPET : annotation des répétitions dans les génomes eucaryotes","url":""},{"name":"RepetDB : Une base de données d’éléments transposables eucaryotes","url":""}] QUESNEVILLE Hadi [] Genome analysis Transposable elements (TEs) are intragenomic mobile, repetitive DNA sequences that constitute a structurally dynamic component of genomes. They have been found to be the primary contributors to genome mutations and a quantitatively major components of their sequences (e.g. 90% of the wheat genome). There is no doubt that modern genomic DNA has evolved in close association with TEs, but their long-term evolution and their systemic effects on the host are still poorly understood. To address these questions, we both develop bioinformatic tools and conduct genome analyses to explore DNA sequences at different time scales from pan-genomic to paleogenomic studies. Unité de Recherches en Génomique-Info, INRAE UR 1164

INRAE, Centre de recherche de Versailles, bat.18
RD10, Route de Saint Cyr
78026 Versailles Cedex, FRANCE

Genome analysiscs_database[{"name":"Le package REPET : annotation des répétitions dans les génomes eucaryotes","url":""},{"name":"RepetDB : Une base de données d’éléments transposables eucaryotes","url":""}]

Mobility of pathogenic genomes and chromatin dynamics Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity


Mobility of pathogenic genomes and chromatin dynamics Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity
Biochemistry, Cell imaging, Chromatin, HIV, Integrases, Nucleosome, Retroviruses, Structure/Function, Viral-host interactions cs_database cs_tools PARISSI Vincent [] Mobility of pathogenic genomes and chromatin dynamics Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity DNA and chromatin, or pseudochromatin, structures regulate numerous biological and pathogenic mechanisms as bacterial integrons mobilisation or retroviral integration. These processes constitute therapeutic target and attractive tools for gene transfer/therapy. Our team aims to understand these mechanisms in different models of mobile elements (viral infections, procaryotic, eukaryotic and viral integration/transposition) using complementary biophysics, biochemistry, structural/cellular biology and pharmacology approaches. Laboratoire de Microbiologie Fondamentale et Pathogénicité (MFP), CNRS UMR 5234, Université de Bordeaux

MFP lab,

Université de Bordeaux

147 Rue Léo Saignat




Mobility of pathogenic genomes and chromatin dynamics Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticitycs_databasecs_tools

Mechanisms of Adaptation and Genome Organization


PANAUD Olivier
Mechanisms of Adaptation and Genome Organization (MANGO)
Bioinformatics, Evolution, Genomics, NGS, Population genomics, Retrotransposons, Structural variation cs_database cs_tools PANAUD Olivier [] Mechanisms of Adaptation and Genome Organization (MANGO) The research activities of the group mostly concern the structure, evolution and function of the genomes of wild and cultivated species from the Oryza (rice) genus, particularly the impact of Transposable Elements (TEs) and genome duplication. Our previous studies, focusing on LTR- retrotransposons, led us to propose a model for plant genome evolution (Vitte and Panaud, 2005) in which two counteracting forces, expansion by addition of new copies (Piegu et al., 2006) and contraction through recombination or deletion (Vitte et al., 2007, Vitte and Panaud, 2003), are responsible for variation in genome size. We participated in annotation of LTR-retrotransposons in the rice genome in the Rice Annotation Project (RAP3) and have created a database of the rice LTR-retrotransposons, available at (Chaparro et al., 2007). Our current projects concern functional aspects of TEs in the rice genome as well as the use of Next Generation Sequencing techniques to understand short-term genome dynamics by analysis of TE mobility in rice (Sabot, Picault et al., 2011). The importance of genome duplication was highlighted by analysis of the model genome species, Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. Several mechanisms implicated in genome evolution after duplication (large-scale rearrangement (Blanc et al. 2000), diploidization, nested chromosome fusion (Salse et al. 2008) and TE activity) have been characterized. We recently described the importance of large-scale and recurrent gene conversion in the evolution of species from the Oryza genus (Jacquemin et al. 2009). Future work concerns the application of specific tools to elucidate common and specific mechanisms implicated in animal and plant genome evolution. Laboratoire Génome et Développement des Plantes (LGDP), CNRS UMR5096, Université Perpignan Via domitia

52 avenue Paul alduy

Université de Perpignan Via Domitia

66860 Perpignan cedex

Mechanisms of Adaptation and Genome Organization (MANGO)cs_databasecs_tools

Cellular Biology of Archaea


OBERTO Jacques
Cellular Biology of Archaea
Archaea, Homologous recombination, Integrases, Integrative conjugative elements, Prokaryotes cs_database cs_tools OBERTO Jacques [] Cellular Biology of Archaea We study the evolution of genetic information in Archaea of the order Thermococcales. These anaerobic hyperthermophilic organisms evolve rapidly, which seems to be related to the particular conditions of their habitat consisting of black smokers on the ocean floor. We observe the impact of mobile elements (plasmids and viruses) in this evolution. Several new archaeal plasmids and strains containing them have been characterized in the laboratory. With the establishment of a dedicated platform to cultivate hyperthermophilic anaerobes, we are able to reproduce the ideal conditions for growing these extremophile Archaea in the laboratory. We develop Thermococcales genetics in the model organism Thermococcus kodakarensis. We develop, in parallel, in silico bioinformatics analyses of these prokaryotic genomes through the deployment of a suite of dedicated web services. The study of the dynamics and the maintenance of this genetic information is also pursued by the characterization of novel DNA transaction enzymes. Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC), CNRS UMR 9198, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay

1, rue de la Terrasse, Bât 12

91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex


Cellular Biology of Archaeacs_databasecs_tools

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation


Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation
Ciliates, Epigenetics, Genomic plasticity, Heterochromatin, small RNA, Tetrahymena, Transposons cs_database cs_tools MOCHIZUKI Kazufumi [] Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation Small RNA-mediated transcriptional gene silencing is a fundamental process that has been observed in many different eukaryotes including fungi, plants, flies, worms and mammals. One of its main tasks is to neutralize the activity of transposable elements (TEs), which otherwise destabilize our genome and potentially cause diseases. Small RNAs use their base complementarities to TEs to specifically silence them. However, how cells ensure TE-silencing without disturbing expressions of normal genes is not fully understood. The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena identifies TE-derived sequences by a germline-some genome comparison mechanism using small RNAs during programmed DNA elimination, which provides fascinating examples of epigenetic genome regulations and important insights into the interaction between TEs and host genomes. Because programmed DNA elimination can be synchronously induced in laboratory in a large scale, it serves as a useful laboratory model for genetically and biochemically investigating small RNA-mediated chromatin regulation. Using this tiny-hairy eukaryotic model, we aim to understand: how cells accumulate small RNAs specifically from TE-related sequences; how cells use those small RNAs to identify TE-related sequences; and how a small RNA pathway establishes silent chromatin environment (heterochromatin) on TE-related sequences. Institut de Génétique Humaine (IGH), CNRS UMR 9002, Université de Montpellier

141 rue de la Cardonille 

34396 Montpellier Cedex 5


Epigenetic Chromatin Regulationcs_databasecs_tools

Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates


Meyer Eric
Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates
Ciliates, Co-optation, Comparative genomics, Domestication, Epigenetics, Evolution, IES, Paramecium, RNAi, Somatic excision, Speciation [{"name":"ParameciumDB, a database for Paramecium species","url":""}] cs_tools Meyer Eric [] Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates Ciliates are unicellular eukaryotes that control transposable elements (TEs) in a radical manner, intimately connected to their characterisic nuclear dimorphism. In the germline micronuclei, which only serve to undergo meiosis during sexual events, TEs are safely kept inactive by the complete lack of any gene expression. During development of the polyploid somatic macronucleus, where genes are expressed, programmed genome rearrangements reproducibly remove all TE copies, and numerous single-copy remnants of ancient insertions are precisely excised from cellular genes. Our team uses the model species Paramecium tetraurelia to study the mechanisms of developmental DNA elimination and the epigenetic pathways ensuring its specificity. These include piRNA-like small RNAs that mediate a genomic subtraction between germline and somatic genomes during meiosis, thus allowing the zygote to later reproduce the same deletions as in the parental clone. While these homology-dependent processes are essential for elimination of TEs and the most recently derived single-copy insertions, they are no longer required for excision of the oldest, suggesting a transition to other, still elusive recognition mechanisms. The latter are a focus of current research in collaboration with other teams, which uses comparative genomics of a set of sibling species to reconstruct the evolutionary history of TE insertions in the Paramecium germline, their progressive decay into single-copy remnants, and the associated transitions in defence mechanisms that together maintain continuous recognition of non-self DNA insertions as they age. The comparative genomics data also support studies of (i) the domestication of TE genes by the host, in particular to serve in DNA elimination, and (ii) the co-optation of the excision machinery to target cellular genes, instead of TEs or derived sequences, for regulatory purposes: such is the case of genes involved in mating-type determination, where similar alternative rearrangements evolved independently in sibling species. Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS), CNRS UMR 8197, Inserm U1024

46, rue d’Ulm

75005 Paris


Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates[{"name":"ParameciumDB, a database for Paramecium species","url":""}]cs_tools

Environmental Microbiology


MERLIN Christophe
Environmental Microbiology
Antibiotic resistance, Ecology, Horizontal transfer, Regulation cs_database cs_tools MERLIN Christophe [] Environmental Microbiology Mobile genetic elements are widely involved in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes where they contribute to the overall bacterial adaptation to antimicrobials. The selection exerted by antibiotics on resistant bacteria partly explain the ecological success of mobile genetic elements and their associate resistance genes but their behavior in complex natural environments remain to be fully elucidate. For part, our team is studying the fate of mobile genetic elements in the environment and aims at (i) determining their dissemination pathways in environmental microbial communities, (ii) identifying how they pass mankind processes such as waste water treatment plants, (iii) pinpointing their intermediate hosts, and (iv) characterizing natural parameters favoring their dissemination. The later implies understanding their regulation and the way some pollutants, including antibiotics themselves, interfere with the expression of their mobility functions. Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour les Matériaux et l’Environnement (LCPME), CNRS UMR 7564, Université de Lorraine

Campus Brabois Santé

Bâtiment AB – 3ème étage

9 avenue de la Forêt de Haye – BP 20199

54505 VANDOEUVRE les NANCY Cedex


Environmental Microbiologycs_databasecs_tools

Bacterial Genome Plasticity


MAZEL Didier
Bacterial Genome Plasticity
Conjugation, Insertion sequence, Integron, Plasmids, Prokaryotes, Tyrosine recombinase cs_database cs_tools MAZEL Didier [] Bacterial Genome Plasticity We are trying to determine the adaptive properties of integrons and their cassettes, and to understand the specific recombination reactions and partners involved in the functioning of these mobile genetic elements. This gene capture model allows us to address a number of fundamental questions about the evolutionary trade-offs between mobility and stability to ensure the most efficient adaptive responses. We are also interested in the connection between horizontal genetic transfer and stress response in Gram-negative bacteria. Finally, we are trying to determine the rules of organization of Vibrio genomes, which have two circular chromosomes. Institut Pasteur, CNRS UMR 3525, Sorbonne Université

28 rue du Dr Roux

75015 Paris


Bacterial Genome Plasticitycs_databasecs_tools

Silent – Silencing & Transposons


Silent – Silencing & Transposons
Arabidopsis, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Genomics, Histone, Plant, Silencing cs_database cs_tools MATHIEU Olivier [] Silent – Silencing & Transposons Gene silencing refers to various mechanisms of gene repression, which are epigenetic by nature and do not involve changes in the sequence of the DNA molecule. In both plants and animals, silencing is tightly associated with several epigenetic modifications of the chromatin such as cytosine DNA methylation and specific modification of histone proteins. Gene silencing does not only target exogenous DNA entering the genome, but also endogenous genomic sequences such as certain protein-coding genes and most transposable elements. Efficient and accurate gene silencing is therefore essential for proper gene expression and genome stability. We combine genetic and genomic approaches to understand the mechanisms of gene silencing. Institut Génétique Reproduction et Développement (iGReD), CNRS UMR 6293, Inserm U1103, Université Clermont Auvergne

UFR de Médecine

28 place Henri Dunant

TSA 50400

63001 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex France

Silent – Silencing & Transposonscs_databasecs_tools

Genome Biology, from Mobile DNA to Chromosome Dynamics


LESAGE Pascale
Genome Biology, from Mobile DNA to Chromosome Dynamics
Comparative genomics, Genomic plasticity, Retrotransposons, Ty1, Yeast cs_database cs_tools LESAGE Pascale [] Genome Biology, from Mobile DNA to Chromosome Dynamics Transposable Elements (TEs) are major components of eukaryotic genomes. TEs have short-term deleterious effects due to their mobility and presence in multi-copies, leading to genomic instability, particularly in aging cells and malignant contexts. They also play a role in genome evolution by modifying host functions, phenotypes, and gene regulation, and can contribute to the long-term adaptation of organisms to different environments. A critical determinant of the fate of a TE and its impact on the genome is where it initially inserts in the genome. On the other hand, TE transcription is derepressed in yeast stressed cells and in human malignant cells, in which chromosomal rearrangements occur. The lab interests are to decipher the molecular mechanisms that govern TE integration site preferences and to explore how the derepression of TE expression under stress conditions compromises genome stability. We are addressing these questions in the yeast S. cerevisiae with the Ty1 retrotransposon, which targets its integration upstream of Pol III-transcribed genes. We are combining classical molecular genetic approaches with genome wide approaches and single cell microscopy. Inserm U944, CNRS UMR7212, Université de Paris, Institut de Recherche Saint Louis (IRSL)

1 avenue Claude Vellefaux

75475 Paris Cedex 10 FRANCE

Genome Biology, from Mobile DNA to Chromosome Dynamicscs_databasecs_tools

Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics


LERAT Emmanuelle
Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics
Bioinformatics, Computational genomics, Evolution, Phylogenomics, Population genomics, Statistical inference [] [{"name":"Retrotransposon-spread, tool for parameter evaluation of LTR retrotransposon propagation in a genome","url":""},{"name":"One code to find them all, tool for the parsing and analysis of Repeat-Masker output files","url":""},{"name":"Htdetect, too for the detection of horizontal transfers by comparative analysis of complete genomes","url":""},{"name":"TEtools, tool for the analysis of RNAseq and small-RNAseq data to study the expression of TEs","url":""}] LERAT Emmanuelle [] Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics Our group focuses on two main axes: phylogenomics (i.e. the inference of evolutionary history based on genomics data) and evolutionary genomics (understanding the molecular and population processes that drive genome evolution). Our works heavily rely on methodological developments (bioinformatics, modeling and statistical inference). Genomes are the result of a long-term evolutionary process, shaped by multiple evolutionary forces. Some genomic features are adaptive (beneficial for the fitness of organisms), others result from non-adaptive processes (random drift and biased gene conversion – BGC) or are caused by conflicts between multiple levels of selection (e.g. the spread of selfish genetic elements). We explore different aspects of genome architecture (base composition landscapes, genome structure and size, impact of transposable elements (TEs)) or functioning (gene expression, lncRNAs, epigenetic landscapes), and try to disentangle the relative contribution of adaptive and non-adaptive processes to their evolution. For this purpose, we consider both the molecular mechanisms and the population processes that shape genetic variation. Laboratoire Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (LBBE), CNRS UMR 5558, Université Lyon 1

Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1

UMR-CNRS 5558 – Bat. Mendel

43 bd du 11 novembre 1918

69622 Villeurbanne cedex


Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics[][{"name":"Retrotransposon-spread, tool for parameter evaluation of LTR retrotransposon propagation in a genome","url":""},{"name":"One code to find them all, tool for the parsing and analysis of Repeat-Masker output files","url":""},{"name":"Htdetect, too for the detection of horizontal transfers by comparative analysis of complete genomes","url":""},{"name":"TEtools, tool for the analysis of RNAseq and small-RNAseq data to study the expression of TEs","url":""}]

Evolution and Genomics of Plants pathogen Interactions


LEBRUN Marc-Henri
Evolution and Genomics of Plants pathogen Interactions (EGIP)
Fungi, Mariner, Mutagenesis, Plant, Structural variation, Zymoseptoria tritici cs_database cs_tools LEBRUN Marc-Henri [] Evolution and Genomics of Plants pathogen Interactions (EGIP) We are using transposable elements (TEs) as tools for insertional mutagenesis in fungi. The TC1-mariner impala from the fungus Fusarium oxysposrum was introduced in the wheat fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. A vector containing an autonomous copy of impala inserted in the 5’UTR of A. nidulans nitrate reductase gene was used to select nitrate-utilizing revertants (Nia+). Most Nia+ Z. tritici revertants (80%) displayed a single copy of impala inserted at a new genomic location. impala mainly inserts into genes (85%) near transcriptional start sites (TSS, 50%). impala inserted at much lower frequencies in native transposons (1%) and intergenic regions (14%). We hypothesized that impala insertion is influenced by the chromatin landscape of TE acceptor locus. Inhibition of Z. tritici histone deacetylases with trichostatin which open chromatin, increased the frequency of impala insertions in native transposons by 5-fold. Trichostatin also changed impala insertion pattern in genes (1.5 fold increase of exons/introns insertions). These experiments suggests that impala inserted preferentially near TSS because of their characteristic open chromatin landscape. This property of impala was used to develop activation tagging in fungi. A modified impala transposon carrying a strong constitutive promoter (pGpd) was inserted in the 5’UTR of A. nidulans nitrate reductase gene. This chimeric impala:Gpd transposon was able to excise and re-insert in Z. tritici genome. impala:Gpd inserted mainly in 5’UTRs and promoters of Z. tritici genes, as native impala. We are using these collection of impala revertants (native, activation tagging) to screen for pathogenicity mutants and identify novel genes involved in the infection process of Z. tritici. Biologie et Gestion des Risques en agriculture (BIOGER), INRAE UMR 1290, Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech

Campus AgroParisTech, Avenue Louis Bretignières,

78850, Thiverval-Grignon, France

Evolution and Genomics of Plants pathogen Interactions (EGIP)cs_databasecs_tools

ICE : Transfer & Adaptation (ICE-TeA)


ICE : Transfer & Adaptation (ICE-TeA)
Accretion, Antibiotic resistance, Conjugation, Evolution, Fimicutes, Horizontal transfer, ICEs, IMEs, Prokaryotes, Relaxase, Type IV secretion systems cs_database [{"name":"ICEscreen is a bioinformatic pipeline for the detection and annotation of ICEs (Integrative and Conjugative Elements) and IMEs (Integrative and Mobilizable Elements) in Bacillota genomes.","url":""}] LEBLOND-BOURGET Nathalie [] ICE : Transfer & Adaptation (ICE-TeA) Our team studies bacterial mobile genetic elements that are chromosomal but able to excise as circular form and transfer by conjugation to other bacteria. These elements called Integrative Conjugative Elements (ICEs) or Conjugative Transposons participate in horizontal gene transfer (antimicrobial resistance, virulence, stress response…) and in the evolution of the genome in bacteria by several mechanisms: (i) by their autonomous transfer by conjugation, (ii) by mobilization in cis of genetic elements bordered by functional recombination sites, (iii) by mobilization in trans of excisable but non-autonomous elements for their transfer by conjugation (Mobilizable Integrative Elements or IMEs) and (iv) by Hfr-type transfer of long chromosomal fragments. Our studies focus on Firmicutes and combine experimental approaches (conjugation and gene mobilization experiments, biochemical characterization of the actors of the conjugation machinery…) and bioinformatics (genome annotation, for detection of elements in the genomes called ICE/IME-screen). Dynamique des Génomes et Adaptation Microbienne (DynAMic), UMR1128, Université de Lorraine

Faculté des Sciences et Technologies

Bd des Aiguillettes BP70239

54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

ICE : Transfer & Adaptation (ICE-TeA)cs_database[{"name":"ICEscreen is a bioinformatic pipeline for the detection and annotation of ICEs (Integrative and Conjugative Elements) and IMEs (Integrative and Mobilizable Elements) in Bacillota genomes.","url":""}]

Viral Replication and Nucleic Acid – Protein Interactions


Viral Replication and Nucleic Acid – Protein Interactions
Chromatin, HIV, SARS-CoV-2, Topoisomerases, Transcription, Viral-host interactions cs_database cs_tools LAVIGNE Marc [] Viral Replication and Nucleic Acid – Protein Interactions Our team is studying HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 replication, using biochemical, cellular and genomic approaches. The identification and characterization of essential nucleic-acid /protein host-virus interactions should serve to propose new antiviral strategies. Two parameters of HIV-1 replication are studied, the tridimensional (3D) chromatin environment surrounding the integrated proviral genome and DNA topoisomerases present in infected cells. Studies are focused on the role of these parameters as regulators of viral expression, especially during latency phases. The 3D chromatin environment is studied using Chromosome Conformation Capture derived approaches, which allow us to map contacts between viral and human genomes (Moreau et al., 2018). DNA topoisomerases are studied as regulators of HIV-1 transcription. Recently, our team has discovered that DNA TOP1 represses HIV-1 basal transcription and that this repression depends on its interaction with a Guanine-quadruplex (G4) present in the viral promoter (Lista et al., in revision). We are now studying this transcriptional regulation mechanism and its impact on HIV replication and latency. Since April 2020, we are studying the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 Nsp3 protein and G4s. As observed with SARS-CoV, we have shown that the SARS Unique Domain (SUD) of SARS-CoV-2 Nsp3 interacts with DNA and RNA G4s. Interestingly, these interactions are disrupted by G4-ligands and some of them possess an antiviral activity. Present studies are focused on these molecules (European Patent 20 306 606.3) and the identification of the actual G4 targets of viral Nsp3. The absence of stable G4 in the SARS-CoV-2 genome leads us to hypothesize that SUD interacts with cellular RNA G4s and that these interactions contribute to the infection and/or inflammation processes. Our projects benefit of precious collaborations (R. Koszul, Y. Pommier, H. Munier-Lehmann, P. England, JL. Mergny, MP. Teulade-Fichou, J. Guillon, G. Pratviel) and fundings by the I. Pasteur, the ANRS, Sidaction and the ANR. Institut Pasteur

Dpt de Virologie

Bat. Duclaux, 1er étage

28, rue du Dr Roux

75015 Paris, France

Viral Replication and Nucleic Acid – Protein Interactionscs_databasecs_tools

RESINFIT. Antimicrobials molecular determinants of resistances and therapeutic innovations


JOVE Thomas
Antimicrobials molecular determinants of resistances and therapeutic innovations (RESINFIT)
Adaptation, Epigenetics, Exaptation, Plant, Repression, Stress response cs_database [{"name":"INTEGRALL: a freely available tool developed in order to provide an easy access to integron’s DNA sequences and genetic arrangements.","url":""}] JOVE Thomas [] Antimicrobials molecular determinants of resistances and therapeutic innovations (RESINFIT) The UMR1092 RESINFIT research unit studies how mobile genetic elements are involved in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial communities. It particularly focuses on two genetic models that are integrons and ISCR insertion sequences. Integrons are natural genetic devices able to integrate antibiotic resistance as gene cassettes and to promote expression of their genes. Despite usually being associated to antibiotic resistance genes, ISCR are poorly characterized insertion sequences related to IS91 family of IS (and to eukaryotic helitrons elements). We address the epidemiology, the diversity, the mobility, the regulation and the evolution of these genetic systems in several bacterial organisms as well as in the environment. We aim to better understand the emergence of multiresistant bacteria to find a way to tackle it. Centre de Biologie et Recherche en Santé (CBRS), Inserm UMR1092, Université de Limoges

Faculté de médecine de Limoges

2 rue du Dr Marcland
87 025 Limoges Cedex

Antimicrobials molecular determinants of resistances and therapeutic innovations (RESINFIT)cs_database[{"name":"INTEGRALL: a freely available tool developed in order to provide an easy access to integron’s DNA sequences and genetic arrangements.","url":""}]

Epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin architecture


MOISSARD Guillaume
Epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin architecture (MEAC)
Adaptation, Epigenetics, Exaptation, Plant, Repression, Stress response cs_database cs_tools MOISSARD Guillaume [] Epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin architecture (MEAC) Our team studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the regulation of gene expression and repressing DNA repeats such as transposable elements (TEs) in plants. TEs play a central role in our research. On one hand, we study epigenetic pathways involved in TE silencing. On the other hand, we are interested in the phenomenon of TE gene domestication by the plant, a process also known as exaptation -or cooption- of TE genes (ETEs). Furthermore, we study the impact of TEs on genomic structural variations and diversity of gene isoforms. Finally, our research is set out in the context of plant adaptation to environmental stresses, such as heat, to better understand the epigenetic and TE-related processes involved in this phenomenon. To decipher these complex molecular processes, we develop direct and reverse genetic approaches, combined to epigenetic, proteomic, biochemical and microscopic studies. Besides, we are developing integrated NGS approaches using Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), including Direct RNA Sequencing (ONT-DRS) to altogether answer genomic and transcriptomic problematics based on SNP calling, bisulfite DNA sequencing, ChIP-seq, structural variants and RNA-seq. Laboratoire génome et développement des plantes (LGDP), CNRS UMR 5096, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD)

Université de Perpignan Bât T

58 Avenue Paul Alduy

66860 PERPIGNAN Cédex France

Epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin architecture (MEAC)cs_databasecs_tools

Plant Quantitative Genomics and Epigenomics


Plant Quantitative Genomics and Epigenomics
Bioinformatics, Epigenetics, Plant, Population genomics, Quantitative genetics cs_database [{"name":"SPLITREADER is a bioinformatic pipeline dedicated to the discovery of non-reference TE insertions with Target Site Duplications (TSDs)","url":""}] QUADRANA Leandro [] Plant Quantitative Genomics and Epigenomics In the Plant Quantitative Genomics and Epigenomics laboratory we investigate how new genetic and epigenetic variation are brought about and contribute to heritable phenotypic changes. In particular, we explore the potential role of de novo (epi)mutations generated by transposable element insertions, in the rapid adaptation of populations to drastic environmental changes, such as ongoing climate change. We use molecular, genetic, and computational approaches to characterise very large populations of experimental and wild-type plants. Institut of Plant Science Paris-Saclay (IPS2), UMR CNRS 9213, INRAE 1403, Université Paris Saclay, Université Evry Val d'Essonne, Université Paris Diderot

Bâtiment 630, Avenue des Sciences
Plateau du Moulon

91190 – Gif-sur-Yvette

Plant Quantitative Genomics and Epigenomicscs_database[{"name":"SPLITREADER is a bioinformatic pipeline dedicated to the discovery of non-reference TE insertions with Target Site Duplications (TSDs)","url":""}]

Evolution and Development of Germ Cells


HUYNH Jean-René
Evolution and Development of Germ Cells
Germline, Meiosis, piRNA, Transposons, tRNA cs_database cs_tools HUYNH Jean-René [] Evolution and Development of Germ Cells Transposable elements (TEs) make up half of our genome and induce DNA damages when active. In recent years, an adaptive immune system protecting the genome against these types of threats has been uncovered. This genome immune system is based on small non-coding RNAs, such as piRNAs, which can target other RNAs by base-pair complementarity. piRNAs are produced by discrete loci in the genome, called piRNA clusters, which constitute the memory of this immune system. Our global objective is to understand how this defense system can evolve and adapt to novel threats and external stresses, without targeting endogenous genes by autoimmunity. Our main hypothesis is that RNA fragments from tRNAs and DNA loci encoding for tRNA play major roles in the adaptability of genome defenses at both short and long term scales. We focus our studies on a temporal window of plasticity during the early stages of germ cells development, called the pilp (piwilesspocket). Our first objective is to examine piRNAs and tRNA fragments (tRFs) produced in the pilp and to understand how both piRNAs and tRFs cooperate in the pilp to adapt TEs repression on a short term. Our second objective is to test if tRNA loci (tDNA) can give rise to piRNA clusters and to characterize the cis and trans determinants of piRNA clusters activation. Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB), Collège de France, CNRS UMR 7241, Inserm U1050, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL)

11 place Marcelin Berthelot

F-75005 Paris, France

Evolution and Development of Germ Cellscs_databasecs_tools

Genomes and Evolution


HUA-VAN Aurélie
Genomes and Evolution
Bioinformatics, Drosophila, Evolution, Genomics, Horizontal transfer, Mariner, NGS cs_database cs_tools HUA-VAN Aurélie [] Genomes and Evolution Transposable elements (TEs) are DNA sequences considered as genomic parasites. They have the ability to multiply more quickly then the genome, and then can spread in the genomes and in the populations. Their mobile and repetitive nature makes them potentially harmful (insertion into genes, ectopic recombination). However, insertions can sometimes bring some beneficial effects for the host and may become domesticated. We know several examples of evolutionary innovations due to transposable elements. Hence, transposable elements participate to the dynamics and the evolution of the genome, at the level of structure, and function. However, the non-controlled amplification of transposable elements leads to an exponential increase in copy number. To avoid this situation detrimental to the host, some regulatory pathways have emerged that silence transposable elements. In Drosophila and other metazoans, the germline PIWI pathway uses small RNAs complementary to TE sequences, which will repress, transcriptionally or post transcriptionally, TE expression, by deposing epigenetic marks on the DNA, or by destroying TE mRNAs. These small RNAs are produced by specific genomic loci called pi-clusters, made of the successive accumulation of TEs. Furthermore, TEs, that have no functions in the cell, can accumulate mutations that are not counter-selected, so they ultimately become inactive, present in the genome as relics only. The persistence of active elements in genomes is then helped by their ability to cross species barriers via horizontal transfer events. In the team, we are interested in the molecular evolution of transposable elements in populations, in their amplification dynamics within genome and populations, and in the parameters that influence the probability for a horizontal transfer to occur and to succeed. Our approaches are experimental (drosophila, insect, amphibians), bioinformatics, and theoretical. Laboratoire Evolution Génomes, Comportement, Ecologie (EGCE), CNRS UMR 9191, IRD UMR247, Université Paris-Saclay

1 avenue de la Terrasse

91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex


Genomes and Evolutioncs_databasecs_tools

Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology – Team Hallet


HALLET Bernard
Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology – Team Hallet
Antibiotic resistance, Prokaryotes, Structural variation, Transposase, Transposons cs_database cs_tools HALLET Bernard [] Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology – Team Hallet Transposon Tn4430 belongs to a widespread family of bacterial transposons, the Tn3 family, that is notorious for its prevalence in the dissemination of antibiotic resistances among pathogens. In spite of this, the molecular mechanisms that control the mobility of these elements have long remained ill defined. We have recently achieved several breakthroughs in the understanding of these mechanisms, making of Tn4430 a new paradigm for the study of Tn3-family transposons. (I) For the first time, we were able to reconstitute critical steps of the transposition reaction in vitro, allowing to study the assembly of the transposition complex and its activation. (II) Together with complementary genetic evidence, this study has unveiled an unexpected interaction between the transposition mechanism and DNA replication. The data support a new “replisome hijacking” model of transposition along which Tn3-family transposons integrate into replication and/or DNA repair intermediates in order to recruit the host replication machinery during the transposition process. (III) Finally, we recently succeeded to build-up the first 3-D models for the transposition complex, based on high-resolution Cryo-EM (cryo-electron microscopy), opening the route for deciphering the transposition mechanism at the atomic level. Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology (LIBST), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)

Place Croix du Sud, 4/5 L7.07.06

B-1348, Louvain-La-Neuve


Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology – Team Halletcs_databasecs_tools

Coffea Genome Evolution


GUYOT Romain
Coffea Genome Evolution (EvoGeC)
Annotation, Bioinformatics, Coffea, Evolution, Machine learning, Plant, Polymorphisms, Retrotransposons, Transposons [{"name":"InpactorDB: A Plant classified lineage-level LTR retrotransposon reference library for free-alignment methods based on Machine Learning","url":""},{"name":"APTEdb: An Atlas of Plant Transposable Elements","url":""}] [{"name": "NGSEP TF: Efficient homology-based annotation of transposable elements using minimizers","url":""},{"name":"Inpactor2 LTR retrotransposon detector and classificator using Deep Learning","url":""},{"name": "TIP_Finder An HPC Software to Detect Transposable Element Insertion Polymorphisms in Large Genomic Datasets","url":""}] GUYOT Romain [] Coffea Genome Evolution (EvoGeC) Transposable elements and more particularly LTR retrotransposons represent the vast majority of plant genome sequences. They contribute to the variation in chromosome structure and genome size. They also have the potential to alter gene expression and have a significant impact on the phenotypic and genetic diversity of species. The genus Coffea is composed of 124 species, including cultivated species of Arabica (C. arabica) and Robusta (C. canephora). Genome sizes range from 420 Mb to 900 Mb depending on geographical gradients in Africa and Madagascar, suggesting that variation in repeated sequences may be involved in the process of evolution and speciation. A recent assessment has indicated that 60% of wild species are now threatened with extinction, which reinforces the urgency to conserved and analyze them. Our group is studying the mechanisms of evolution of the genome of the genus Coffea using genomic and bioinformatic approaches through massive sequencing of species of the genus, using long and short reading technologies. We are particularly interested in understanding the mechanism of variation in genome size within the genus and its consequences on genome structure and species adaptation. At the intraspecific level, the impact of transposable elements on the phenotypic and genetic diversity of species is studied through the analysis of re-sequencing data. To achieve these objectives, bioinformatic tools are being developed to detect insertion polymorphisms and to detect and annotate LTR retrotransposon at the lineage level in genomic data using artificial intelligence. Understanding the mechanisms of genome size variation and its consequences in Coffea species will improve our knowledge of the evolution of the genus. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UMR DIADE, Montpellier, Department of Electronics and Automation, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Colombia



911 Ave Agropolis

34000 Montpellier

Coffea Genome Evolution (EvoGeC)[{"name":"InpactorDB: A Plant classified lineage-level LTR retrotransposon reference library for free-alignment methods based on Machine Learning","url":""},{"name":"APTEdb: An Atlas of Plant Transposable Elements","url":""}][{"name": "NGSEP TF: Efficient homology-based annotation of transposable elements using minimizers","url":""},{"name":"Inpactor2 LTR retrotransposon detector and classificator using Deep Learning","url":""},{"name": "TIP_Finder An HPC Software to Detect Transposable Element Insertion Polymorphisms in Large Genomic Datasets","url":""}]

Epigenetics, Reproduction and Transposable Elements

["GRANDBASTIEN Marie-Angèle","BORGES Filipe"]

Epigenetics, Reproduction and Transposable Elements
Allopolyploidy, Nicotiana, Plant, Retrotransposons, Stress response cs_database cs_tools GRANDBASTIEN Marie-Angèle ["GRANDBASTIEN Marie-Angèle","BORGES Filipe"] Epigenetics, Reproduction and Transposable Elements The RETROS team studies plant transposable elements (TEs), notably LTR retrotransposons. Our model species are allotetraploid Nicotianae derived from hybridization between diploid species and genome doubling, and principally tobacco. We analyze retrotransposon response to external stresses et interspecific crosses, and their impact on genome evolution in a changing environment. We recently demonstrated that allopolyploidy-associated TE activation is correlated to parental TE divergence levels, thus confirming B. McClintock hypothesis that TE activation by genome shock is correlated to the confrontation of the divergent parental genomes. We are currently developing projects to evaluate the functional impact of LTR-RTs on the expression of tobacco genes. We have demonstrated that LTRs of several elements can initiate, in stress conditions, chimeric cotranscripts extending into adjacent sequences. By modulating adjacent gene expression, LTR-RTs could thus play a role in the host response to various stimuli. We have developed a collaboration with URGI (Unité de Recherche Génomique Info) to implement the REPET pipeline for de novo characterization of the TE component of tobacco and its diploid parental species. Our major objective is to evaluate whether chimeric LTR-RT transcript production could be involved in differential changes in the expression of orthologous genes transmitted by each parent. Such changes are indeed frequently observed in allopolyploids in response to environmental modifications, and may facilitate adaptation of the new hybrid species. Under external challenges, LTR-RTs may thus diversify the global stress response of hybrids and be involved in their evolutionary success. Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), INRAE-AgroParisTech, UMR 1318, Université Paris Saclay

Bâtiment 2
INRAE Centre de Versailles-Grignon
Route de St-Cyr (RD10)
78026 Versailles Cedex (France)

Epigenetics, Reproduction and Transposable Elementscs_databasecs_tools

Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance


GLASER Philippe
Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic resistance, Evolution, Group II introns, Insertion sequence cs_database cs_tools GLASER Philippe [] Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance Horizontal transfers play a major role in the spread of antibiotic resistance through the transmission of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) carrying resistance genes, but also through recombinational allelic exchanges, often also involving MGEs for DNA transfers by conjugation or transduction. In addition, insertion sequences (IS) and group 2 introns contribute to the rapid evolution of a strain by recombination and some ISs, such as IS26, contribute to the dissemination and amplification of resistance genes. Our research projects focus on understanding the emergence and dissemination of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Enterobacterales (E. coli and K. pneumoniae). In this context, we characterize the mobility of genetic elements in natural isolates (the real life) and analyze their evolutionary and ecological contribution to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and to the evolution of MDR clones. Institut Pasteur, CNRS UMR3525

28, Rue du Dr Roux

75015 Paris


Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistancecs_databasecs_tools

Bioinformatics & Biomarkers


Bioinformatics & Biomarkers
Bioinformatics, Cancer, LINE-1, NGS, Retrotransposons, Reverse transcriptase, Structural variation, Transcriptomics cs_database cs_tools GILBERT Nicolas [] Bioinformatics & Biomarkers The bioinformatic group involves specialists in text algorithm focusing on the design of new tools and structures for RNA-Seq analysis. We developed software and data structure for the analysis of RNA-Seq data (such as Gk-Arrays, CRAC, CracTools, ChimCT).  Recently, we have created new strategies based on kmers capable of organizing reads for rapid response to specific queries. Generally silent, retrotransposons are deregulated in cancer. We are interested in developing approaches to decipher the role of epigenetic deregulation and retrotransposon expression in various Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Institute for Regenerative medicine & Biotherapy (IRMB), Inserm UMR 1183, Université de Montpellier

Hôpital Saint-Eloi

80 rue Augustin Fliche

34295 Montpellier, France

Bioinformatics & Biomarkerscs_databasecs_tools

Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution


Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution
Adaptation, Bioinformatics, Evolution, NGS, Population genomics, Structural variation cs_database [{"name":"T-lex3 : an accurate tool to genotype and estimate population frequencies of transposable elements using the latest short-read whole genome sequencing data","url":""},{"name":"etroSom: a transfer learning model trained on evolutionarily recent germline MEIs to detect low-level somatic MEIs","url":""}] FISTON-LAVIER Anna-Sophie [] Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution The Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution (PEM) team jointly studies the evolution of the genotype and phenotype of organisms using bioinformatics and experimental approaches with a particular interest in new sequencing technologies. The studies are carried out on a short but also long evolutionary time (macroevolutionary and phylogenetic). A research theme led by Anna-Sophie Fiston-Lavier consists in studying molecular evolution with the impact of genetic recombination, population size and the dynamics of transposable elements. Institut des Science de l'Evolution (ISEM), Université de Montpellier, CNRS, EPHE, IRD

cc065, 1093-1317 Route de Mende

34090 Montpellier,


Phylogeny and Molecular Evolutioncs_database[{"name":"T-lex3 : an accurate tool to genotype and estimate population frequencies of transposable elements using the latest short-read whole genome sequencing data","url":""},{"name":"etroSom: a transfer learning model trained on evolutionarily recent germline MEIs to detect low-level somatic MEIs","url":""}]

Genetics and evolution of interactions


Genetics and evolution of interactions
Adaptation, Bioinformatics, Drosophila, Epigenetics, Evolution, Mosquito, NGS, Population genomics, small RNA, Structural variation, Transcriptomics [{"name":"TEtools: a dedicated method to the analysis of TE expression reveals a negative link between TEs and piRNA genes activities.","url":""},{"name":"Goubert et al (2015) De novo  assembly and annotation of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) repeatome with dnaPipeTE from raw genomic reads and comparative analysis with the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti)","url":""}] cs_tools FABLET Marie [] Genetics and evolution of interactions Our main focus is the dynamics of transposable elements and their evolution within genomes, in particular within insect natural populations. We are interested in the natural variability of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, notably through small interfering RNA pathways, and we study its impacts in physiological processes such as aging or response to infections, as well as in response to environment changes. In addition, we use invasive species (Drosophila suzukii, Aedes albopictus) to study transposable elements within genomes both as markers of genetic differentiation and as potential sources of adaptive mutations. Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (LBBE), CNRS UMR 5558, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, VetAgroSup

43 bd du 11 novembre 1918

69622 Villeurbanne cedex

Genetics and evolution of interactions[{"name":"TEtools: a dedicated method to the analysis of TE expression reveals a negative link between TEs and piRNA genes activities.","url":""},{"name":"Goubert et al (2015) De novo  assembly and annotation of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) repeatome with dnaPipeTE from raw genomic reads and comparative analysis with the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti)","url":""}]cs_tools

Epigenetic regulation of genome organization


Epigenetic regulation of genome organization
Bioinformatics, Chromatin, Ciliates, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Evolution, Genomic plasticity, Histone, Paramecium, small RNA cs_database [{"name":"DNAModAnnot: a R toolbox for DNA modification filtering and annotation ","url":""}] DUHARCOURT Sandra [] Epigenetic regulation of genome organization Our research aims at understanding the fundamental principles that govern chromosome structure and genetic stability in eukaryotes. We study a remarkable process of genome rearrangements that occurs during development in Paramecium tetraurelia. In this unicellular eukaryote, the development of the somatic macronucleus from the germline micronucleus is characterized by the massive and reproducible elimination of a large fraction of the genome, including transposable elements, and their remnants, in the form of 45,000 short, dispersed, single-copy sequences. Our goals are to i) identify all the sequences that are eliminated in the Paramecium aurelia complex of sibling species and examine their evolutionary trajectories using comparative genomic approaches, and ii) decipher the molecular mechanisms controlling the process of DNA elimination, using genetic and genomic approaches, biochemistry and, cellular biology. Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS UMR7592, Université de Paris

15 rue Helene Brion

75205 Paris Cedex 13


Epigenetic regulation of genome organizationcs_database[{"name":"DNAModAnnot: a R toolbox for DNA modification filtering and annotation ","url":""}]

Insect Plant Microorganisms Interactions


DREZEN Jean-Michel
Insect Plant Microorganisms Interactions
Baculovirus, Bioinformatics, Bracovirus, Gall wasp, Horizontal transfer, Insects, Nudivirus, Parasitoid wasp [{"name":"BioInformatics Platform for Agroecosystems Arthropods","url":""}] cs_tools DREZEN Jean-Michel [] Insect Plant Microorganisms Interactions The studied topics aim at understanding the mechanisms and evolution of multi-trophic interactions between insects and plants or other insects and the role played by microorganisms in these interactions. These studies are performed at the level of molecular mediators as well as genomes, populations and species. To meet this general objective, our research involves three main themes: molecular physiology of the manipulation of hosts by parasitic insects, evolution of viruses and Hymenoptera genomes, biodiversity and evolutionary ecology of insects and associated microorganisms. Genomes studies includes the characterization of transposable elements and horizontal transfers of genes and transposons between Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera mediated by bracoviruses. Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte (IRBI), CNRS UMR 7261, Université de Tours

IRBI – Faculté des Sciences

Parc de Grandmont

37200 Tours


Insect Plant Microorganisms Interactions[{"name":"BioInformatics Platform for Agroecosystems Arthropods","url":""}]cs_tools

Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity


Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity
Bioinformatics, Cancer, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Integration, NGS, Retrotransposons, Reverse transcriptase, Structural variation [{"name":"euL1db, the European database of L1HS retrotransposon insertions in humans","url":""},{"name":"L1MethDB, A database of full-length L1 elements and their DNA methylation status in human cell lines","url":""}] cs_tools CRISTOFARI Gaël [] Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity Retrotransposons are highly repeated DNA sequences that are abundant in the human genome. They are dispersed by a copy-and-paste mechanism, called retrotransposition, involving an RNA intermediate and a reverse transcription step. This process can lead to profound chromosomal rearrangements. Although generally silent, retrotransposons are expressed and mobile in germ cells, in the early embryo and in embryonic stem cells, which can cause genetic diseases. Retrotransposons are also massively re-expressed in the vast majority of cancers, contributing to tumor genome plasticity. Our team is studying the mechanisms of reactivation of retrotransposons in human cancers, their insertion site preference and their impact on genes. To this end, we are developing innovative genomic approaches, combining biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, and bioinformatics. Understanding how the activity of retrotransposons is controlled will improve our knowledge of the mechanisms that lead to the appearance of new genetic diseases or the formation of cancers. Institute for Research on Cancer and Ageing of Nice (IRCAN), CNRS UMR 7284, Inserm U1081, Université Côte d’Azur

IRCAN – Faculté de Médecine

28, Av. Valombrose

06107 Nice Cedex 2


Retrotransposons and Genome Plasticity[{"name":"euL1db, the European database of L1HS retrotransposon insertions in humans","url":""},{"name":"L1MethDB, A database of full-length L1 elements and their DNA methylation status in human cell lines","url":""}]cs_tools

RNA Sequence, Structure & Function


RNA Sequence, Structure & Function
Bioinformatics, Group II introns, Prokaryotes, Retrotransposons, Reverse transcriptase cs_database cs_tools COSTA Maria [] RNA Sequence, Structure & Function We study the structure, function and evolution of mobile group II introns through a multidisciplinary approach that combines phylogenetic analyses, molecular biology and X-ray crystallography. Group II introns form the most abundant class of retrotransposons in bacteria and as such they play a major role in the diversification and evolution of bacterial genomes. These elements are also widespread in the organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts) of plants, algae and fungi. The mobile group II intron is a composite element formed by a large, highly structured, self-splicing catalytic RNA interrupted by an open reading frame encoding a multifunctional reverse transcriptase. The combined activities of the self-splicing ribozyme core and its reverse transcriptase operate the intron’s retrotransposition in a highly efficient and site-specific manner. Remarkably, the structural and functional characteristics of mobile group II introns suggest that they are the ancestors of the nuclear introns, the spliceosome and the eukaryotic non-LTR retrotransposons among which, the human LINE-1 elements. We use genetic, biochemical and structural (X-ray crystallography) approaches to (i) characterize the variety of molecular strategies allowing the dissemination of group II introns within and between genomes and (ii) determine the functional impact of these introns on the host cell. Collectively, these studies will deepen our understanding of the role of group II introns in the dynamics and evolution of bacterial genomes and will shed light on the question of the evolutionary links between prokaryotic and eukaryotic retrotransposons. Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), Université Paris-Saclay, CEA

Campus du CNRS

Bâtiment 26

1, avenue de la terrasse

91190 Gif-sur-Yvette


RNA Sequence, Structure & Functioncs_databasecs_tools

Genome dynamics and epigenetic variation (GDEV)


COLOT Vincent
Genome dynamics and epigenetic variation (GDEV)
Arabidopsis, Bioinformatics, DNA methylation, Epigenomics, Plant, Population genomics, Retrotransposons, small RNA, Structural variation, Transposition cs_database [{"name":"TE-Sequence Capture: Massively parallel experimental detection of TE mobilization events in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. ","url":""},{"name":"SPLITREADER: bioinformatic pipeline for the detection of non-reference TE sequences in re-sequenced genomes.","url":""}] COLOT Vincent [] Genome dynamics and epigenetic variation (GDEV) Our group studies the contribution of transposable elements (TEs) to the creation of heritable phenotypic variation, adaptation and evolution. We are particularly interested in establishing the impact of chromatin-based epigenetic processes, notably DNA methylation, on all aspects of TE biology as well as on genome function. We use the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as our main experimental model and implement advanced molecular genetics as well as genomic and epigenomic approaches to determine the distribution of TEs within and between genomes, the genetic and environmental factors that control TE methylation and mobilization, and the effect of TE insertions on their genic neighborhood. Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure (Paris), CNRS UMR 8197, Inserm U1024


46 rue d’Ulm

75230 Paris Cedex 05


Genome dynamics and epigenetic variation (GDEV)cs_database[{"name":"TE-Sequence Capture: Massively parallel experimental detection of TE mobilization events in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. ","url":""},{"name":"SPLITREADER: bioinformatic pipeline for the detection of non-reference TE sequences in re-sequenced genomes.","url":""}]

Non-coding RNA, epigenetics and genome stability


Non-coding RNA, epigenetics and genome stability
Bioinformatics, Drosophila, Epigenetics, Integration, NGS, piRNA, Repression, Retrotransposons, small RNA cs_database [{"name":"TrEMOLO","url":"https:\/\/\/DrosophilaGenomeEvolution\/TrEMOLO"}] CHAMBEYRON Séverine [] Non-coding RNA, epigenetics and genome stability Many genomes, including ours, contain large amounts of foreign DNA sequences, called transposable elements (TE). These elements replicate by inserting new copies more or less randomly into the host genome. They can be considered genomic parasites or genomic symbionts, depending on whether their transposition causes mutation-induced diseases or leads to adaptation to new environments. Despite their important role in evolution and disease, we know very little about the evolutionary and molecular mechanisms that govern the relationships between these major genomic components and the structure and function of the genome. We are studying the host defense mechanisms that restrict TE activity by focusing on the piRNA (Piwi interacting RNAs) pathway in the female Drosophila germ line. We also want to understand and model the extent to which TE shape or are constrained by the genome. IGH, CNRS UMR9002, Université de Montpellier

141 rue de la Cardonille

34396 Montpellier Cedex 5


Non-coding RNA, epigenetics and genome stabilitycs_database[{"name":"TrEMOLO","url":"https:\/\/\/DrosophilaGenomeEvolution\/TrEMOLO"}]

Transposable elements and stress responses of organisms


Casse Nathalie
Transposable elements and stress responses of organisms
Crop pests, Insects, LncRNA, Microalgae, Stress response cs_database cs_tools Casse Nathalie [] Transposable elements and stress responses of organisms Our team is studying the transposable elements in the genome of marine microalgae and their involvement in the stress response of these organisms. Recently, we have been developing work focused on the long non-coding RNAs of microalgae derived from transposable elements. At the same time, we are collaborating with the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis on the study of transposable elements of crop pests in Tunisia and on the impact of these elements in pesticide resistance. To answer these questions, we use bioinformatics and molecular biology approaches. Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Université du Mans

Avenue Olivier Messiaen

72000 Le Mans


Transposable elements and stress responses of organismscs_databasecs_tools

Structure and evolution of plant genomes


Structure and evolution of plant genomes
Genomic plasticity, Plant, Structural variation, Transposons cs_database cs_tools CASACUBERTA Josep [] Structure and evolution of plant genomes The main objective of our group is to increase our knowledge on the structure of plant genomes and study how these genomes evolve. Our group has actively participated in the sequencing and annotation of the Arabidopsis, Physcomitrella patens, melon and almond genomes and is working on the study of crop genome evolution using resequencing data from crop varieties. This work should allow us to better understand how genome variability is generated and how this variability correlates with phenotypic variability in traits that have been selected by humans during crop domestication and breeding. One of the major drivers of variability in plants are transposable elements. For this reason we are studying the regulation of transposon activity as well as their impact on the generation of the genetic and epigenetic variability useful for plant adaptation and crop breeding. Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology (IRTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the University of Barcelona (UB)

Campus UAB

Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193 Barcelona


Structure and evolution of plant genomescs_databasecs_tools

Laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae


Laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae
Annotation, Bioinformatics, Epigenetics, NGS, Structural variation cs_database [{"name":"Pirate a Pipeline to Retrieve and Annotate Transposable Elements","url":""}] CARRIER Grégory [] Laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae For seven years, the laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae (IFREMER) has been developing several research projects in the field of microalgae selection. In a previous selection program, our laboratory implemented one of the first varietal selection strategy. The development of new selection programs requires a better understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in the dynamics of genome. We focus on mobile elements in response to several controlled physiological conditions. Mobile elements are genetic element that can “jump” to different locations of genome in all eukaryote organisms. They play a major role in genomic plasticity particularly in response to a stress and they are involved in diversity and species adaptation phenomena. Defects in control mechanism of mobile element activities resulting from mutation or stress conditions can generate large modification in genome and hence phenotype. The objectives of our laboratory is to identify and characterize mobile elements in algae and compare mobile element activities between several genotypes and stress conditions available. IFREMER – Centre Atlantique - Unité Biologie des Ressources Marines

IFREMER-Centre de Nantes

rue de l’Ile d’Yeu
44311 NANTES


Laboratory of Physiology and Biotechnology of Algaecs_database[{"name":"Pirate a Pipeline to Retrieve and Annotate Transposable Elements","url":""}]

Biology of Intracelluar Bacteria


Biology of Intracelluar Bacteria
Bioinformatics, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Evolution, Horizontal transfer, Integrative conjugative elements cs_database cs_tools BUCHRIESER Carmen [] Biology of Intracelluar Bacteria Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays a major role in the diversification and the evolution of bacterial species and is a central question in the study of the evolution of bacteria. It allows to understand the emergence of specific clones and the rapid adaptation to changing environments like those encountered during the interaction with a host. Mobile genetic elements (MGE) belonging to different families (plasmids, integrative conjugative elements and pathogenicity islands (PAI) are important players in the emergence of pathogens. We are studying bacteria belonging to the genus Legionella. These are environmental bacteria replicating in aquatic protozoa, but in particular L. pneumophila and L. longbaechae are also human pathogens that cause a severe pneumonia that can be fatal in 5% to 20% of the case; These bacteria have evolved their pathogenicity features during co-evolution with protozoan cells and we have shown by sequence, evolutionary and phylogenetics analyses that many of their virulence genes have been acquired by HGT from their protozoan hosts. We aim to understand the mechanism of gene transfer between domains of life, and hypothesize that MGE and phage like elements are implicated. Furthermore, several of the acquired genes are secreted factors that modulate the epigenetics landscape of the host cell. Thus, a second axe of our research is to understand the mechanism and identify which epigenetic changes are induced by L. pneumophila during infection. Institut Pasteur, CNRS UMR 3525

28, Rue du Dr Roux,

75014 Paris


Biology of Intracelluar Bacteriacs_databasecs_tools

Genetic Instabilities and Control by the Host genome


Genetic Instabilities and Control by the Host genome
Drosophila, Epigenetics, Gene silencing, Genomic editing, Germline, piRNA, PIWI, Retrotransposons, small RNA cs_database [{"name":"sRNAPipe: a Galaxy-based pipeline for bioinformatic in-depth exploration of small RNAseq data","url":""}] BRASSET Emilie [] Genetic Instabilities and Control by the Host genome Eukaryotic genomes are mainly composed of repeated sequences including transposable elements (TEs), highly mutagenic mobile DNA sequences which constitute a serious threat for the genome integrity. TEs reside in the genome of all species and represent half of the human genome. A tight control of TE expression is essential to avoid their mobilization and the emergence of pathologies, while taking advantage of their evolutionary skills. A first level of TE control is necessary in the germline cells, since their genetic information will be transmitted to the progeny. Ten years after the discovery of the first small non-coding RNAs, a new class of small RNAs, piRNAs, was discovered in the germline of all metazoans including human. These piRNAs appeared to be key regulators of TE expression and a fine regulation of their expression is required to avoid the appearance of pathologies. Despite the evolutionary distance which separates Drosophila from humans, a strong conservation of the piRNA pathway has been demonstrated. Drosophila is therefore an excellent model for studying this pathway. The millions of piRNAs produced by germ cells originate from particular genomic loci called piRNA clusters. These clusters are composed of a multitude of TEs, and represent the repertoire of TEs that the cell must repress to maintain the genome stability. However, following a reactivation of TEs in somatic tissue adjacent to germ cells, some TEs are able to infect and invade the germline genome as a virus would do. Our projects aim to understand the transcriptional regulation of piRNA clusters during development and how TE repression takes place in the organisms. Combined confocal and electron microscopy, genetics, genomics, genome editing, sequencing and bioinformatic approaches are used to conduct these projects. The original approaches that we develop will provide essential answers on the role of small non-coding RNAs in maintaining genome integrity. Institute of Genetics Reproduction and Development (iGReD), CNRS UMR6293, inserm U1103, Université Clermont Auvergne

Faculté de médecine – CRBC

28, Place Henri Dunant
63000 Clermont-Ferrand

Genetic Instabilities and Control by the Host genomecs_database[{"name":"sRNAPipe: a Galaxy-based pipeline for bioinformatic in-depth exploration of small RNAseq data","url":""}]

Epigenetic decisions and reproduction


Epigenetic decisions and reproduction
DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Fertility, Germline, Retrotransposons, RNA methylation cs_database cs_tools BOURC’HIS Deborah [] Epigenetic decisions and reproduction Reproduction is an essential characteristic of life, which relies on the production of cells called gametes—the oocytes in females and the spermatozoa in males—whose function is the accomplish the process of fertilization. Gametes stand at the crossroad between generations and carry not only the hereditary genetic material transmitted from parents to the progeny, but also non-genetically encoded information, broadly defined as epigenetic. Our team has a general interest in understanding how and when the epigenetic landscape is shaped during gametogenesis, its importance for the identity and the integrity of the gametes and to which extent this gametic epigenetic information is actually transmitted and maintained in the progeny and influences phenotypes. One key aspect of the epigenetic control of gametogenesis relates to the repression of retrotransposons. When not properly controlled, retrotransposons constitute a threat for the integrity of the hereditary genetic material, for the production of mature gametes and in the long term, for the fitness of the species. By combining targeted and genome-wide (screens) loss-of-function approaches, transcriptomic and epigenomic profiling, proteomic characterization, and reconstruction of developmental trajectories both in vivo in the mouse model and in cellula, our team aims at identifying the diversity of defense mechanisms that concur to silence retrotransposons, their impact on fertility and development, their evolution and their eventual co-option for gene regulatory purpose. Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 3215, Inserm U934

Unité Biologie du Développement

26 rue d’Ulm

75248 Paris cedex 05


Epigenetic decisions and reproductioncs_databasecs_tools

Genome Evolution, Traits, Adaptation


Genome Evolution, Traits, Adaptation
Epigenetics, Evolution, Plant, Polyploidy cs_database cs_tools SALMON Armel [] Genome Evolution, Traits, Adaptation Transposable element dynamics and recurrent whole genome duplication (polyploidy) are two major evolutionary processes shaping the structure and functioning of plant genomes. Following recent hybridization and genome duplication (i.e. allopolyploid speciation), the relative repetitive components of the merged and duplicated parental genomes play a central role in the subsequent species evolution. In the short term, hybridization and allopolyploidy entail epigenetic reprogramming and gene expression changes (collectively referred to genomic or transcriptomic “shocks”). Recent studies reveal that both structural genome dynamics and gene expression evolution contribute to the long-term genome fractionation and diploidization processes. We are exploring such processes using comparative approaches on polyploid plant systems at different evolutionary time scales (i.e. neopolyploids, mesopolyploids and paleopolyploids). Most particularly, we aim at understanding the effects of differentiated genome merger (interspecific hybridization) and genome duplication on epigenetic reprogramming, gene expression evolution in the context of rapid species expansion (e.g. invasive species), with particular interest on functions of ecological interest that are potentially affected. UMR ECOBIO 6553 CNRS – Université de Rennes

Bâtiment 14A, Campus de Beaulieu

35 042 Rennes Cedex (France)

Genome Evolution, Traits, Adaptationcs_databasecs_tools

Intraspecific variation and genome evolution


Intraspecific variation and genome evolution
Bioinformatics, Genomics, NGS, Phenotyping, Retrotransposons, SNV, Structural variation, Yeast cs_database cs_tools BLEYKASTEN Claudine [] Intraspecific variation and genome evolution Natural populations present an astonishing diversity of phenotypic variation in terms of morphology, physiology, behavior and disease susceptibility. One major goal in biology is to identify the genetic causes of trait variation. To obtain a better insight into the genotype-phenotype relationship, our team aims to exhaustively identify and describe genetic variants corresponding to the heritable phenotypic variation upon which selection can act. Because of their small and compact genomes, yeast species the Saccharomycotina subphylum (budding yeasts) represent an ideal system in which to obtain a complete picture of the intraspecific genetic polymorphisms at the levels of single nucleotide variants, copy number variations, small insertions and deletions (indels) and structural variations (SVs) including transposable elements (TEs). In this broad context, my research is dedicated to characterize the variation in TE contents and TE activity, in order to identify the mechanisms shaping these differences at the species wide level. Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique, Microbiologie (GMGM), UMR7156, Université de Strasbourg


Plateforme de Biologie
4, allée K. Roentgen
67000 Strasbourg

Intraspecific variation and genome evolutioncs_databasecs_tools

Programmed genome rearrangements


Programmed genome rearrangements
Double strand breaks, Epigenetics, Genomics, NHEJ, Paramecium, Transposase, Transposons cs_database cs_tools BETERMIER Mireille [] Programmed genome rearrangements DNA transposons move around their host genomes thanks to the action of their transposase, an enzyme that binds specifically to transposon ends and cleaves DNA to initiate transposition. We use the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia as a unicellular model to study how transposable elements (TE) contribute to genome dynamics. Paramecium harbors two distinct types of nuclei in its cytoplasm: the somatic macronucleus (MAC), in which gene transcription takes place, and two germline micronuclei (MIC), essential for sexual reproduction. At each sexual cycle, a new MAC differentiates from the MIC, a process that includes the elimination of ~30% of germline DNA, including TEs and other DNA repeats. An essential actor in programmed somatic genome rearrangements is the PiggyMac endonuclease, a catalytically active domesticated PiggyBac transposase, which, in association with five distinct domesticated transposases from the same family, cleaves both DNA strands at the ends of ~45,000 Tc/mariner-related germline sequences and initiates their precise excision. A major research line of our team aims at understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in programmed DNA elimination and the epigenetic control of genome rearrangements. We use genetic, biochemical and cellular approaches combined with high-throughput next-generation sequencing to characterize the endonuclease-associated complex, the function of its different subunits and the way it recognizes its chromatin targets. We also study how the endonuclease complex interacts with the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair pathway and ensures that programmed rearrangements do not jeopardize genome integrity. Within the frame of a large-scale France Génomique collaborative sequencing project coordinated by Sandra Duharcourt, also a member of the GDR, our team contributes to the assembly and annotation of the germline and somatic genomes of 13 Paramecium species. Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC), UMR 9198, Université Paris-Saclay

1 avenue de la Terrasse

91198 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex


Programmed genome rearrangementscs_databasecs_tools

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